Friday, September 19, 2008
Virginia's Vacay - Days 5-7
Anyway, here are some pics of our fun in Chicago with a few editorial comments. Enjoy!
Harry Caray was a very famous baseball announcer in Chicago. His son Skip Caray and grandson Chip Caray are also famous announcers. So Kenta had to visit his restaurant while we were there. The food was fantastic, and we highly recommend it.
K&V with the 'holy cow'
Harry Caray iconized as a holey cow, one of the phrases he was famous for using.
I thought that this statue of a man and an enormous fish was fantastic. I can't tell you why, per se, but I just loved it and took a few pictures.
Kenta loves going to both famous restaurants and famous 'firsts' restaurants. Gino's East was the second restaurant in make Chicago deep dish pizza pies. Interestingly the first was Uno's which has since become a franchise, and thus not as cool to visit.
And who do you think we saw? Ken Griffey, Jr (of course)
He has now played for three different teams, and I have somehow managed to see him play at all three of his home fields. Please see my earlier blog on my strange connection to Ken Griffey, Jr. (June 2008 post)
The game went to the 15th inning, but we were pooped by the end of the 12th. It was a great game though; we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
Monday, September 1, 2008
The Indy Zoo
Dolphin Show!! It was a lot of fun!
They sure do a great job of keeping the grass short.
I got to pet the elephant!! I was so, so excited!!
Bye, bye elephant...
The mama elephant took the entire pile of hay so that the baby elephant had to walk around picking up the stray left overs. Poor baby elephant.
Back to Nauvoo
Luckily we found another road. We love our GPS system. We'd probably still be driving around acres and acres of corn and soy without it. Eventually we got to our destination... Nauvoo, Illinois.
We had a great time seeing all the sites and learning more about life in the 19th century. Of course we also enjoying looking at/walking around the beautiful Nauvoo Temple.
We also went to the City of Joseph Pageant that evening. I loved it! (Don't tell my friends back in the Rochester/Palmyra area, but I actually liked it better than the Hill Cumorah Pageant.)
Another statue of Joseph and Hyrum Smith in front of Carthage Jail.
After Carthage we hit the road again for Springfield, Illinois where we went to Abraham Lincoln's home and got to see all sorts of Lincoln memorabilia.
It was a quick trip, but we really enjoyed ourselves and had fun with Kenta's family.