As part of my residency program second, third, and fourth year residents have the opportunity to go to an academic conference with a particular spending allowance. Because of how my rotations fell in the year, I chose to take my conference time in January, and I managed to convince four other second year OB/GYN residents to join me. We went to the semi-annual GOG (gyncologic oncology group) conference in San Diego. The conference was okay... but the trip to San Diego was fantastic! Even though I have not included any pictures of the conference (those would be boring), we did attend it.
Sara and Marquia at the San Diego Airport
Marquia, Erin Kate, and Sara going out to lunch
The 'Shamu Family' performing at Sea World
Virginia holding a starfish
Sara and Virginia in front of the stork exhibit/sign.
(OB/GYNs... stork... get it?)
A beautiful flamingo
Virginia and a snowy ibis